Mobble attended the inaugural Grounded Australia conference in Tasmania's Huon Valley. The whole festival was geared towards exploring how to do farming, better.
Tara is a third-generation sheep and broad-acre crop farmer, working on her dad’s 4,000-acre mixed property in Victoria. Tara’s partner, Liam, manages the cropping side of things. When she's not farming, she's documenting it all on her popular Instagram and YouTube channels.
Mobble News -What happened in November! New Stocking Units, WA Case Study & Field Days 2025 plus API integration now available and we're heading to Tasmania
Live Inventory on web and mobile now live. August was our busiest month ever, with record inputs. Join our 10 September webinar to learn more. Looking further afield, Mobble supported the Thallon Truck Pull, and we’re looking forward to Henty Field Days this month!
We are proud of our 50:50 gender split at Mobble. To recognise International Women’s Day #IWD2024, we wanted to introduce you to three of our amazing Mobblers: Amie Lange, Melanie Brown, and Carly Fabris.
With new drag and drop functionality, multi-year rain gauge comparison and the ability to work in the units you're familiar with, Mobble's new web app has been rebuilt to provide better outcomes for users.
With real-time accessibility on their phones, Mobble replaced the Koop family red book, providing a streamlined and accessible platform for all their record keeping.