Tara is a third-generation sheep and broad-acre crop farmer, working on her dad’s 4,000-acre mixed property in Victoria. Tara’s partner, Liam, manages the cropping side of things. When she's not farming, she's documenting it all on her popular Instagram and YouTube channels.
With real-time accessibility on their phones, Mobble replaced the Koop family red book, providing a streamlined and accessible platform for all their record keeping.
Northern Tableland NSW local, Roy Robertson, uses Mobble to stay on top of the day-to-day and save time across record-keeping and compliance. Read on to learn how Roy makes the most out of using Mobble.
Get to know Mobble's newest Farmer Success Manager, Amie Lange! Amie joins us from Thallon in South West QLD, and has taken like a duck to water supporting our Mobblers in customer success. Read on to get to know our newest team member.
Mobble user from Mangoplah NSW, Ginny Stevens, sits down with us to talk about returning back to work on the farm, and how Mobble has helped with the transition.
We interviewed Farms Advise podcast host and full-time legend, Jack Cresswell to find out more about his Dubbo-based property, learnings from the podcast and how he uses Mobble to make day-to-day life easier.
Jessica Horstman from Mulga Springs in Northampton, WA, sits down to discuss using Mobble and Agworld's data integration on her family's mixed farming operation.
From worthwhile investments to why farmers love the land and how Mobble is making a difference, our Mobblers weigh in on questions about their operation and outlook for the land.
Introducing Carly, Mobble's new Farmer Success Manager. Check out this article and get to know more about Carly's love of Agriculture, family and animals.
Get to know NZ Farmer Success Mobbler, Sarah Bird. Sarah jumped on board as part of Mobble’s mission to expand over in New Zealand and is stoked to be part of a solution that is working hard to improve the NZ farmer experience.
Get to know Jock, our Chief Mobbler. He grew up on the family farm and went on to create Mobble, livestock farm management software built by farmers for farmers.