April 5, 2022

Mobble News - handy new features

With our Agworld integration released across Australia last month, we’ve had time to get stuck into some handy new feature releases! We’re stoked to be making our way through highly requested features based off Mobbler feedback. Here’s what’s new:

Handy new feature releases 🖥️

Withholding period alerts

We've released a new feature that warns Mobblers when they are about to move livestock into a paddock that is in a withholding period. This will hopefully prevent farmers from moving livestock into recently treated paddocks 👍

Web-app functionality improvements

You can now do (almost) everything in the web-app version of Mobble on the computer. From merging mobs, adding paddocks, assigning tasks and rain gauge recordings - the web app is now up to speed with the Mobile app. This is all part of a bigger piece of work to further align the Mobble web-app and mobile app. Keep your eyes peeled for further usability improvements down the track 🖥️

More speed, less lag for Maps. 

We have released some performance improvements for the Mobble Maps feature on the web. It should be a lot faster, with much less lag ⚡

Hobson Brothers on farm management 🤠

A quick drive from her home in Central Hawkes Bay, our Farmer Success Manager, Sarah, hit the road last month to chat with Ben and Will Hobson. The Hawkes Bay generational farmers  discuss how Mobble is taking the guesswork out of farm management and improving their on-farm communication. 

​​"We can see what each other are doing within Mobble. Between the two of us and dad, the communication is not always the best - so Mobble really helps with that. If one goes away the other can look up what’s going on and step in easily."

Read more here. 

Mobble and Agworld integration feedback 🌾

Our data integration with crop-management solution, Agworld, has been up and running for just over a month, and we’re hearing really good feedback from our Mobblers. Cropping advisors and employees can now see important livestock information within their Agworld map.

Our Mobblers are telling us the Agworld integration is easy to use and super useful. *note: only farmers who use both Agworld and Mobble can take advantage of the integration. More on that here.

What’s Next?

We’ve got some exciting things planned this quarter. We are starting to work on ways to visualise paddock performance and reporting on grazing pressures over time. We’re also improving the load speed of our livestock reconciliation reports, and in that process including natural increase and purchase records. Helping livestock farmers see the full picture on one page.

In other news, we are off to Toowoomba QLD in early June for FarmFest. If you’re coming along, make sure to drop in and say hi 👋

Onwards & upwards,

Jock Lawrence (Chief Mobbler)

p.s. If you want to continue to follow our story, feel free to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more regular updates. 🤠

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