Feature Spotlight

Compliance Records

Be audit-ready with easy and efficient record keeping.
Your data is securely stored and accessible whenever you need it.
Share key records with trusted partners to simplify compliance.
Farmer in field

Easily access and search mob and paddock histories

Mob and paddock treatments, casualty records, livestock movements, and inventory management are all readily accessible and can be quickly filtered to find the data you need.

Find out when you last drenched a mob or sprayed a paddock with just a touch of a button. View withholding periods for paddocks and mobs at a glance.
Search and filter mob and paddock info
Dashboard mockup

Versatile Mapping for Health & Safety and Compliance

Mobble’s powerful mapping system allows you to map virtually anything on your farm.

Easily map Health & Safety hazards, farm infrastructure, stock exclusion zones, natural areas of significance and more.

Mobble ensures you're fully compliant and your farm's key areas are clearly visualized.

Inventory reporting

Inventory data including Batch IDs, expiry dates, withholding periods, and ESI, is securely recorded in the app.

Export your records or invite your auditor to review the information on the web or mobile.
Inventory reporting
Property summaries

Property summaries and reports for key compliance requests

Access records at the mob, paddock, or property level to meet compliance requirements.

With summaries and full histories available, you can produce the right information at a moment’s notice, all within the app. Available online and offline.

See how else Mobble can help you

Farm Mapping

Visualise your entire property by mapping everything above (and below) ground.

Livestock Management

Manage your livestock effortlessly with Mobble's simple and intuitive mob-based system, available both online and offline on any device.

Grazing Management

Boost the productivity of your livestock and improve the health of your pastures with instant data and simple record-keeping.

Farm & Livestock Reporting

Access mob, paddock and property summaries from anywhere.

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