Recording rainfall across a farming property is one of the most critical data points for farm management. We’ve done a round up of some of the best rain gauge software out there. From Google Sheets to the humble notebook, Mobble to Farmbot, these are what farmers are using on their properties.
Out of all the rain gauge apps to choose from Rain Log is widely recommended rain gauge app by our farming community.
One farmer said "If you have a rain gauge then this is the app for you!", however it is only available for iPhone, not Android.
Key features are that it's simple, you can record info in 'mm' and 'inches', and it has fantastic graphs with 2yr, 5yr and 10yr averages for each month.
You can download Rain Log V2 from the App Store here.
Sometimes, you can’t go past the classic spreadsheet - though it's not exactly fit for purpose.
Google Sheets can be a great, basic option. It’s cloud-based, meaning all your data is safely stored and accessible from any device.
If you’re looking for a full-scale farm monitoring solution, Farmbot provides rainfall tracking along with other vital environmental data.
Farmbot is ideal for farmers who want a complete farm sensor system rather than just a standalone rain gauge.
Mobble is a livestock farm management app, and its rain gauge feature makes it a great option for farmers looking to track rainfall effortlessly across as many points of their property as they like.
With Mobble, it’s easy to compare seasons and track rainfall trends year after year.
📲 Learn more about Mobble's rain gauge feature here.
Some farmers like it really simple. A top pocket notebook and pen works for them to record rainfall. There are a few cons to this - notebooks can’t get backed up, they can get wet and ruined in the rain (an ironic way to go for your rain gauge record), or how many times have we heard of notebooks going through the washing machine?
For farmers who want automated rain gauge technology, Farmo is an excellent solution. Farmo’s LoRaWAN-connected rain gauges automatically record and transmit rainfall data to your phone or computer, eliminating manual entry.